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Favor honey is one of the original premium honey producers
Honey is harvested from quality bees. Favor honey is very good for health.
Wildflower honey
Honey from various flowers including rambutan flowers, longan flowers, durian flowers
Wild Forest Honey ( Trigona Honey )
Multiflora honey produced by stingless honey (stingless bee)
Calliandra Honey
The original honey produced by Apis Mellifera bees from Kaliandra flowers
Havea Blossoms Honey
The original honey produced by the Apil Mellifera bee from the Rubber Flower
Ceiba Blossom Honey ( Madu Bunga Randu )
The original honey produced by the Apis Mellifera bee from the nectar of the Randu flower
Bee Polen
Bee pollen adalah campuran dari serbuk sari bunga, nektar, enzim, madu, lilin dan sekresi lebah.